
"Trump Officials Move To Relax Rules On Killing Birds"

"A rule change easing companies’ liability for killing birds would not cause unacceptable environmental harm, the Trump administration said in an analysis published Friday, clearing the way for it to finalize a major rollback before the president’s term ends on Jan. 20."

Source: Washington Post, 11/30/2020

"The Last Free River Of Manitoba"

"The Seal River is Manitoba’s only major waterway that hasn’t been dammed — and five Indigenous communities have banded together to keep it that way by establishing a protected area".

"A five-year-old Stephanie Thorassie sat in front of her father on his snowmobile, nestled between his legs as he drove away from their home in Tadoule Lake, Man. They went over two hills before descending to a beach. Thorassie was stunned.

“On the beach, there were thousands of caribou — right behind my house!” she said, reminiscing about her childhood in the 1990s.

Source: The Narwhal, 11/18/2020

"Pet Flea Treatments Poisoning Rivers Across England, Scientists Find"

"Highly toxic insecticides used on cats and dogs to kill fleas are poisoning rivers across England, a study has revealed. The discovery is “extremely concerning” for water insects, and the fish and birds that depend on them, the scientists said, who expect significant environmental damage is being done."

Source: Guardian, 11/18/2020

New Mapping Software Offers Unique View of Western Wildlife Migration

Large migratory species have been traveling across the North American continent for thousands of years. But the land has been dramatically affected, altering how these big game move about. A new data mapping site for scientists can now help environmental journalists track Western wildlife herds and their health as well. The latest from Reporter’s Toolbox.

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