
"White House Faces Suit On Order Lifting Endangered Species Protections"

"An environmental group on Tuesday said it will sue the White House if President Trump doesn’t walk back an executive order that waives endangered species protections along with a host of other environmental laws."

Source: The Hill, 06/11/2020

"Poisonous Toads Invade South Florida in Latest Sign of the Apocalypse"

"First, there were murder hornets. Now, invasive, poisonous toads are the latest bizarre creature to go wild in the U.S. As South Florida enters its wet season aka hurricane season, the cane toad—an ugly, warty, brown amphibian with poison can kill pet dogs—is thriving. That’s not only concerning for pet owners. These toads are highly destructive to the environment."

Source: Earther, 06/09/2020

"Mass Extinctions Are Accelerating, Scientists Report"

"We are in the midst of a mass extinction, many scientists have warned — this one driven not by a catastrophic natural event, but by humans. The unnatural loss of biodiversity is accelerating, and if it continues, the planet will lose vast ecosystems and the necessities they provide, including fresh water, pollination, and pest and disease control."

Source: NYTimes, 06/03/2020

"'Gutted' Interior Agency Moves Out West With Top Posts Unfilled"

"The Interior Department is struggling to fill top positions at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) despite assurances from officials that the agency's relocation from Washington to Colorado is helping recruit top talent, according to an analysis by The Hill."

Source: The Hill, 06/03/2020

"U.S. and Chinese Scientists Trace Evolution of Coronaviruses in Bats"

"An international team of scientists, including a prominent researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, has analyzed all known coronaviruses in Chinese bats and used genetic analysis to trace the likely origin of the novel coronavirus to horseshoe bats."

Source: NYTimes, 06/02/2020

How Explanatory Reporting Can Define a Challenged Landscape

To cover the wide range of challenges affecting his Mountain State, a small market beat reporter won plaudits first by becoming a close student of the issues and then boiling them down to the basics for his audience. Inside Story’s Q&A explores the resulting award-winning journalism on topics like water law and public lands, groundwater pollution and protected species.

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