
"America’s Never-Ending Battle Against Flesh-Eating Worms"

"The Florida Keys are a place where deer stand next to children at school-bus stops. They lounge on lawns. They eat snacks right out of people’s hands. So when the deer began acting strangely in the summer of 2016, the people of the Keys noticed. Bucks started swinging their heads erratically, as if trying to shake something loose. Then wounds opened on their heads—big, gaping wounds that exposed white slabs of bone."

Source: The Atlantic, 05/27/2020

"Judge Strikes Down U.S. Energy Leasing Rules In Sage Grouse Habitat"

"A U.S. judge has dealt another blow to the Trump administration's efforts to increase domestic oil and gas output from public lands, saying officials failed to protect habitat for a declining bird species when it issued energy leases on hundreds of square miles."

Source: AP, 05/27/2020

"Court Nixes Groups’ Endangered Species Suits, OKs State Case"

"Environmental and animal advocacy groups haven’t shown they have legal standing to challenge the Trump administration’s revised Endangered Species Act regulations, but a lawsuit from a coalition of states can move forward, a federal court ruled Monday."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/19/2020


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