"Two Million Children At Risk Of Starvation In Horn Of Africa: U.N.

"GENEVA - U.N. aid chief Martin Griffiths said on Tuesday that close to 2 million children are at risk of starving to death as the Horn of Africa faces one of its worst droughts in decades.

Parts of Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia are suffering their driest conditions in more than 40 years and aid agencies are seeking to avoid the repeat of a famine a decade ago that killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Addressing a closed-door donor conference held in Geneva, Griffiths said the organisation had only a fraction of the money it needs to respond to the drought. However, at the same event donors pledged nearly the entire budget amount of $1.4 billion, he said later on Twitter, thanking them for their generosity."

Emma Farge reports for Reuters April 26, 2022.

Source: Reuters, 04/27/2022