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"FDA Agrees To Reassess BPA Risks"

"After more than a decade of pressure from environmental health advocates, the Food and Drug Administration is set to reconsider the health effects of a common and controversial industrial chemical often used in plastics."

Source: E&E News, 06/03/2022

"EPA Proposes Updating Gasoline Regs, Slashing Emissions"

"A series of overdue regulatory updates to a key part of the nation’s fuel distribution network would slash overall emissions of benzene and other pollutants from those sources by more than one-third, according to a newly released EPA proposal."

Source: E&E News, 06/03/2022

"Biden Wants To Rebuild The EPA. He Doesn’t Have The Money To Do It."

"After years of neglect, President Biden promised to reinvigorate the EPA as part of his push to tackle climate change and ease the pollution burden placed on poor and minority communities. But the agency’s budgetary woes are preventing the nation’s top pollution regulator from doing its job, in ways large and small."

Source: Washington Post, 06/01/2022
