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"Rule Would Boost Solar And Wind Energy On Public Lands"

"The Obama administration took action Thursday to boost development of solar and wind energy on public lands, part of President Barack Obama's strategy to develop cleaner domestic energy and reduce emissions blamed for global warming."

Source: AP, 11/14/2016

"Trump’s Climate Contrarian: Myron Ebell Takes On the E.P.A."

"The mug-shot posters, pasted on walls and lampposts around Paris by an activist group during the United Nations climate talks last year, were hardly flattering. They depicted Myron Ebell, a climate contrarian, as one of seven 'climate criminals' wanted for 'destroying our future.'"

Source: NY Times, 11/14/2016

"What Can Donald Trump Do to Screw Up the Planet?"

"Trump certainly can’t dismantle climate action and the clean energy economy as quickly as he’s promised (day one), and in some cases, he won’t be able to do it at all. But here’s what’s on his hit list, along with an analysis of what he can and can’t do."

Source: Grist, 11/14/2016

"Colorado Voters Just Made It A Lot Harder To Pass Fracking Bans"

"In recent years, a number of communities in the state have passed local [fracking] bans, but the state Supreme Court struck them down. Activists then decided to try to change the constitution to allow local fracking bans. So the oil and gas industry then decided to try to make changing the constitution more difficult."

Source: Grist, 11/11/2016
