
"America’s New Wildfire Risk Goes Beyond Forests"

"Forest fires may get more attention, but a new study reveals that grassland fires are more widespread and destructive across the United States. Almost every year since 1990, the study found, grass and shrub fires burned more land than forest fires did, and they destroyed more homes, too."

Source: NYTimes, 11/10/2023

"Nation At Risk Of Winter Blackouts As Power Grid Remains Under Strain"

"The nation’s power grid faces a sharp risk of buckling in the event of major storms or prolonged cold snaps this coming winter, according to the regulator that monitors the electricity system, with much of the country threatened with outages triggered by severe weather."

Source: Washington Post, 11/10/2023

"US Faces Almost Daily Hazardous Chemical Accidents, Research Suggests"

"Hazardous chemical accidents are occurring almost daily, on average, in the United States, exposing people to dangerous toxins through fires, explosions, leaks, spills and other releases, according to a new analysis by non-profit researchers."

Source: Guardian/New Lede, 11/10/2023
December 5, 2023

Google News Lab — Visualizations

Learn how to use Google’s tools to visualize your stories, from making simple GIFs to building a range of engaging graphics in Flourish. We’ll also look at Google’s mapping tools and the Google Earth suite of products, including how to create storytelling projects, fly-over animations and timelapses. Noon ET.

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November 27, 2023

DEADLINE: ProPublica's Ancil Payne Reporting Fellowship

ProPublica is looking for an Ancil Payne Reporting Fellow to do enterprising, hard-hitting stories from their headquarters in New York. The paid fellowship starts in January 2024 and runs for two years. Remote applicants need not apply. Deadline: Nov 27, 2023

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