
2 Grim Reports On Global Climate Highlight Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Ill Health

"Humanity’s fight to curb climate change is failing in dozens of ways with people getting sicker and dying as the world warms and the fossil fuels causing it get more subsidies, according to two global reports issued Tuesday."

Source: AP, 11/15/2023
November 30, 2023

SEJ Webinar: Covering the Energy Transition in Your Community

In this SEJ webinar, a panel of four SEJ members, who cover energy issues in different geographic regions, will share their reporting tips and story ideas on covering the energy transition in your neighborhood and across the nation. Q&A to follow. 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET.


Researchers, Farmers, Brewers Want To Safeguard Beer Against Climate Change

"On a bright day this fall, tractors crisscrossed Gayle Goschie’s farm about an hour outside Portland, Oregon. Goschie is in the beer business — a fourth-generation hops farmer. Fall is the off-season, when the trellises are bare, but recently, her farming team has been adding winter barley, a relatively newer crop in the world of beer, to their rotation, preparing barley seeds by the bucketful."

Source: AP, 11/14/2023

Desperate For Water, Desert City Hopes To Build Pipeline To Calif. Aqueduct

"After decades of unrestricted pumping in the rain-starved northwestern corner of the Mojave Desert, the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin Authority has the distinction of managing one of the most critically overdrawn aquifers in California."

Source: LA Times, 11/14/2023

"Wood Pellet Giant Enviva Discloses a Financial Crisis"

"A financial crisis has enveloped Enviva, the Maryland-based company that’s been harvesting large swaths of forest in the Southeast United States to make wood pellets for electricity production in the United Kingdom and Europe." "The company’s stock price plunged as its new interim CEO announced financial losses. Environmentalists had long questioned a business model they said was based on greenwashing."

Source: Inside Climate News, 11/14/2023

Harvest Of Horseshoe Crabs, For Medicine And Bait, Limited To Protect Bird

"Interstate fishing regulators are limiting the harvest of a primordial species of invertebrate to try to help rebuild its population and aid a threatened species of bird."

Source: AP, 11/14/2023

"Giant Sequoias Are in Big Trouble. How Best to Save Them?"

"California’s ancient sequoias — some of which have stood more than 1,000 years — are facing an existential threat from increasingly intense wildfires linked to climate change. But federal efforts to thin forests to reduce fire risks are drawing pushback from conservation groups."

Source: YaleE360, 11/14/2023

How Much Can Trees Fight Climate Change? Massively, but Not Alone: Study

"Restoring global forests where they occur naturally could potentially capture an additional 226 gigatons of planet-warming carbon, equivalent to about a third of the amount that humans have released since the beginning of the Industrial Era, according to a new study published on Monday in the journal Nature."

Source: NYTimes, 11/14/2023


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