
"Enviros Sue Canada Over Species at Risk of Enbridge Pipeline"

"VANCOUVER, British Columbia -- Five environmental groups are taking the Government of Canada to court today claiming that it has failed to meet its legal responsibilities under the Species at Risk Act to protect endangered wildlife threatened by the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline and oil tanker route."

Source: ENS, 01/10/2014

"West Virginia Chemical Spill Triggers Widespread Tap Water Ban"

"A chemical spill along a West Virginia river on Thursday triggered a tap water ban for up to 300,000 people, shutting down schools, bars and restaurants and forcing residents to line up for bottled water at stores. Governor Earl Ray Tomblin declared a state of emergency for nine counties following the spill of 4-Methylcyclohexane Methanol, a chemical used in the coal industry."

Source: Reuters, 01/10/2014


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