
Dark Money Dominates Climate Change Denial Discourse

Much of the public discourse denying the science of climate change and the need to take action to slow it seems to be funded by shadowy oil companies and conservative billionaires funneling hundreds of millions of dollars secretly through dummy organizations, according to a new report.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Energy Reporters Criticize 60 Minutes' 'Poor Piece of Journalism'"

"A 60 Minutes segment claiming that federal government efforts to encourage clean tech -- the production and use of alternative energy sources and more efficient technology -- have failed drew some harsh disagreement among reporters covering the energy beat who say the negative report ignored many successes and focused too narrowly on a few unsuccessful companies."

Source: Media Matters, 01/08/2014

"Study Finds Sea Levels Rising Fast; Concerns Grow About Shore"

"As the planet warms, one of the biggest questions is how fast sea level will rise. A team of Rutgers University researchers has attempted to answer that question and localize it by studying past sea-level rise along the East Coast, as well as other factors that could influence what happens along the New Jersey Shore."

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 01/08/2014


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