
October 16, 2023

DEADLINE: RJI Student Innovation Competition

The 2024 Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) competition challenge is to create something to help a newsroom measure the impact of their news coverage for their community. Each team can be up to four students, who can be enrolled at any college or university in the US. Cash prizes. Enter by Oct 16, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 

USFWS Creating a Frozen Library of Biodiversity to Help Endangered Species

"In a new initiative announced on Tuesday, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is working with the nonprofit Revive & Restore and other partners to create a “genetic library” of the country’s endangered species—before it’s too late." "Biobanking enables researchers to preserve genetic diversity in wildlife by freezing and storing living cells."

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/05/2023

"Amphibian Crisis: 41% Of Species Deemed Threatened With Extinction"

"Earth's amphibians - from the thorny spike-thumb frog to the red knobby newt, West African giant squeaker, ornate tree toad and fire salamander - are being pushed closer to the brink due to habitat destruction, disease and climate change, with 41% of species now threatened with extinction."

Source: Reuters, 10/05/2023

Pope Urges Leaders At UN Talks To Slow Global Warming Before It’s Too Late

"Pope Francis shamed and challenged world leaders on Wednesday to commit to binding targets to slow climate change before it’s too late, warning that God’s increasingly warming creation is fast reaching a “point of no return.”"

Source: AP, 10/05/2023

Oil Firms Helped Craft Texas’ New Waste Rules For 2 Years Before The Public

"State regulators on Monday released their draft rules for what to do with all the hazardous oilfield waste that’s left over once a well is drilled. The announcement gives the public one month to comment on the new rules — while some industry representatives started giving input more than two years ago, documents and interviews show."

Source: Texas Tribune, 10/05/2023

"Alaska-Rooted Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beaudreau Is Stepping Down"

"Tommy Beaudreau is stepping down from his post as the No. 2 official at the U.S. Interior Department. Beaudreau grew up in Alaska during the 1980s and has gone on to spend 10 years working at the Interior Department. He has worn several hats at Interior, including chief of staff and director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 10/05/2023

"Flood Threats Are Rising. Here’s Where People Are Moving Into Harm’s Way."

"Worldwide, humans now occupy more than twice as much land in flood-prone areas as they did four decades ago, according to a new study in the journal Nature. The findings highlight the degree to which rapid development along coasts and in floodplains has increased the need for disaster preparedness around the globe."

Source: NYTimes, 10/05/2023


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