
"Waste Lands: America's Forgotten Nuclear Legacy"

"During the build-up to the Cold War, the U.S. government called upon hundreds of factories and research centers to help develop nuclear weapons and other forms of atomic energy. At many sites, this work left behind residual radioactive contamination requiring government cleanups, some of which are still going on."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 10/30/2013

"Hurricane Sandy Hasn’t Shifted Climate Narrative"

"In the year since Hurricane Sandy struck the Mid-Atlantic, news articles have widely declared that the storm has 'changed the public’s view of weather threats' and that 'resilience' would be the environmental buzzword of 2013. That sounds all well and good, but are headlines enough to move public opinion and spark new discussions?"

Source: Climate Central, 10/30/2013

"U.S. Says It Won’t Back New International Coal-Fired Power Plants"

"WASHINGTON — In an aggressive move to impose President Obama’s environmental policies overseas, the Treasury Department on Tuesday largely declared an end to United States support for new coal-fired power plants around the world. The decision means that Mr. Obama’s administration will no longer contribute to coal projects financed by the World Bank and other international development banks."

Source: NY Times, 10/30/2013

"Texas Group To Auction Hunting Permit For Endangered Black Rhino"

"The Dallas Safari Club, a Texas-based trophy hunting group, has announced plans to auction off a permit to hunt and kill a black rhino, a critically endangered species. Organizers believe the rare permit could fetch up to half a million dollars, which will be donated to fund future black rhino conservation efforts."

Source: Huffington Post, 10/29/2013


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