
Acrimony Marks Impasse That Threatens To Derail Shaheen-Portman Bill

"It was supposed to be a few days of relative bipartisan bonhomie in the Senate: A modest but popular energy bill was on the floor. Though senators may have faced a tough vote or two on U.S. EPA rules or the Keystone XL pipeline, the bill was expected to make it across the finish line, demonstrating that at least one chamber of Congress could function."

Source: E&E Daily, 09/17/2013

"Flood Insurance Not Possible Without New Maps, Insurers Say"

"Top executives with [Canada's] insurance sector — which suffered losses of more than $2 billion in southern Alberta’s recent floods — unanimously agree Canada will see more such disasters due to intense rains caused by climate change, making comprehensive flood insurance unavailable to homeowners."

Source: Calgary Herald, 09/17/2013

"Nation's Bloated Nuclear Spending Comes Under Fire"

"LOS ALAMOS, N.M. -- At Los Alamos National Laboratory, a seven-year, $213 million upgrade to the security system that protects the lab's most sensitive nuclear bomb-making facilities doesn't work. Those same facilities, which sit atop a fault line, remain susceptible to collapse and dangerous radiation releases, despite millions more spent on improvement plans."

Source: AP, 09/17/2013

Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Lead to 23,000 Deaths a Year: CDC

"Federal health officials reported Monday that at least two million Americans fall ill from antibiotic-resistant bacteria every year and that at least 23,000 die from those infections, putting a hard number on a growing public health threat. It was the first time that federal authorities quantified the effects of organisms that many antibiotics are powerless to fight."

Source: NY Times, 09/17/2013


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