
"EPA Chemist Who Revealed Twin Towers Toxic Dust Fired -- Again"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency scientist who first revealed the dangers of toxic dust at the World Trade Center disaster site has received a second notice of proposed removal from her job more than a year after a federal civil service court ordered her returned to work."

Source: ENS, 09/12/2013

Pennsylvania Blocks Report Criticizing Shale Gas

Under law, Pennsylvania was supposed to publish a report outlining climate change impacts on the state by Spring 2012. But the Department of Environmental Protection says it is still being reviewed, and nobody will say when it might be published.

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Lisa Jackson Emails: Transparency Crisis or Political Nothingburger?

A hearing September 10, 2013, before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform featured former EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson and other Obama administration officials in a theatrical stare-down with House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA, pictured) that garnered buckets of news media coverage.

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Calif. Highway Patrol Sort of Backs Down — Questions Remain

SEJ complained in an August 7 letter to CHP that the arrest of Willits News photog Steven Eberhard for attempting to document a protest was a violation of constitutionally guaranteed freedom of the press. CHP responded August 28, noting that its policies for news media access to the Willits highway bypass construction site had changed. However, several assertions in the letter are not true, according to Eberhard and a video of the incident. © Photo by Steve Eberhard: CHP arrests demonstrators Sept. 10, 2013, at the Willits, Calif., bypass construction site.

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SEJ Guide to Diversity in Environmental Reporting

The Society of Environmental Journalists published this resource for journalists who want to address diversity concerns and practice more inclusive journalism. Authors Jennifer Oladipo and Talli Nauman created the guide, inspired by discussions by members of SEJ’s Diversity Task Force (now the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee).



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