
Koch-Owned Group May Have Misled In Georgia Solar Energy Fight

"ATLANTA -- A political group founded by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch wants Georgia's utility regulators to reject a plan requiring Southern Co. to buy more solar energy, but an Associated Press review ahead of a vote on the issue finds that it has used misleading figures to build its case."

Source: AP, 07/09/2013

"Keystone XL Pipeline: Deciding Without Data"

OAKLAND, Calif. -- The U.S. State Department is in the process of deciding whether the proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline would be in the U.S. national interest, but the determination is being made without Keystone XL’s digital GIS data, such as the longitude and latitude of milepost markers, waterbody crossings and the centerline route."

Source: ENS, 07/09/2013
July 11, 2013

Webcast from the XXth Regular Session of the CEC Council

Join Mexican, Canadian, and US high-level government environment officials for a live, webcast town hall discussion on transportation and the environment as part of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s 2013 Council Session.

July 15, 2013

Wetlands, Wildlife Habitat, and Flood Hazards in the Rock River Basin Webinar Series: Wetland Restoration in the Rock River Basin

This Environmental Law Institute webinar series is designed to identify opportunities for emergency, floodplain, and wetland management agencies to work together to maximize the flood control and ecosystem service benefits of our wetlands, thereby saving financial and environmental resources and building community resilience to climate change.

July 18, 2013

The Local Environment at the Department of Defense

As stewards of natural resources, the DoD is faced with structural and environmental management tasks of monumental proportions. Join our panel of experts at the Environmental Law Institute in Washington, DC (or via teleconference) to learn more about the specific challenges the DoD faces and how they are addressing them through initiatives, policy, and action. The panel will also discuss President Obama's recently announced climate change initiatives. RSVP by July 12th.


BLM Advances Major Wyo.-to-Nev. Project as Admin Pushes Renewables

"The Bureau of Land Management today released the draft environmental review of a Wyoming-to-Nevada transmission line project that would allow wind-generated electricity in Wyoming to power homes as far away as California and could play a major role in meeting aggressive renewable energy goals outlined last week in President Obama's climate change strategy."

Source: Greenwire, 07/08/2013

"Sequestration Sinks Stream Gauges"

"Hydrologist David Evetts drove north from his office in Boise, Idaho, to the former prospecting town of Elk City on May 2. Fifty miles down a dead-end mountain road, he stopped at a gray metal box on a bridge over the South Fork Clearwater River. Reaching inside, he turned off the satellite feed that once relayed the river's water-level measurements from stream gauge number 13337500 every 15 minutes."

Source: High Country News, 07/08/2013


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