
"Keystone XL Environmental Consultant ‘Lied’ About TransCanada Ties"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- The latest environmental assessment of the controversial TransCanada Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is flawed because the contractor hired by the U.S. State Department to write the review 'lied' on its conflict of interest disclosure form about its past work for TransCanada, finds research released Wednesday by two environmental groups."

Source: ENS, 07/12/2013
August 2, 2013

DEADLINE: IRP Reporting Trip on Poverty, Hunger and Food Security in Tanzania

The International Reporting Project is accepting applications until August 2nd for a ten-day new media reporting trip to Tanzania, Sep 29-Oct 9. The trip will focus on stunting and undernutrition, environmental sustainability, agriculture markets, agricultural and health policy, technology and innovation in agriculture, and other closely related themes.



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