
Carnival Threatens To Pull Ship From Baltimore Over Air-Quality Rule

"BALTIMORE, Md. -- Gov. Martin O'Malley has interceded with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on behalf of Carnival Cruise Lines after the company threatened to pull its business from Baltimore over a pending air-quality regulation that would require large, ocean-going ships to burn cleaner fuel."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 06/17/2013

"Coal Industry Pins Hopes on Exports as U.S. Market Shrinks"

"CROW AGENCY, Mont. — Every few hours trains packed with coal pass through the sagebrush-covered landscape here in southern Montana, some on their way north to Canadian ports for shipment to Japan and South Korea. If the mining company Cloud Peak Energy has its way, many more trains will cross the prairie to far larger proposed export terminals in Washington State."

Source: NY Times, 06/17/2013

FEMA Report: Climate Change Could Increase Areas at Risk of Flood 45%

"Rising seas and increasingly severe weather are expected to increase the areas of the United States at risk of floods by up to 45 percent by 2100, according to a first-of-its-kind report released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency on Wednesday. These changes could double the number of flood-prone properties covered by the National Flood Insurance Program and drastically increase the costs of floods, the report finds."

Source: Climate Desk, 06/14/2013


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