
Documents: "Syngenta's Campaign To Protect Atrazine, Discredit Critics"

"To protect profits threatened by a lawsuit over its controversial herbicide atrazine, Syngenta Crop Protection launched an aggressive multi-million dollar campaign that included hiring a detective agency to investigate scientists on a federal advisory panel, looking into the personal life of a judge and commissioning a psychological profile of a leading scientist critical of atrazine."

Source: EHN/100Reporters, 06/18/2013

Special Investigation: "The Lobbyist In The Henhouse"

Part 1: "Whose Interests Is Maine’s DEP Commissioner Serving?"

"For two years, public servant Patricia Aho has overseen Maine's environmental protection. But whom does she really serve? A seven-month investigation by the Telegram points to her former corporate clients. ... Overseen by a former chemical industry lobbyist, Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection resists regulations on substances that may be harmful to children and fetuses."

Source: Portland Press Herald, 06/18/2013
June 25, 2013

DEADLINE: Himalaya Reporting Grant

The Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme provides grants to support professional journalists in reporting investigative stories on climate-related environmental issues, with special regard to adaptation measures. Apply by June 25. Preference given to reporters from countries associated with the project (including China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan).



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