
Is Environmental Journalism Ready for the Path Ahead?

As SEJournal editors started to put together seemingly disparate stories for this issue on climate change and energy policy, we began to see how deeply interconnected they actually were. To help our readers reflect on their interlocking facets, we’ve grouped a series of stories together in this special report to help make your reporting on energy and climate change more effective.

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Toolbox: Database Helps Track Broken Promises on Parkland Conservation

Seattle-based InvestigateWest published a feature package last summer documenting illegal parkland conversions in Michigan, New York City, and Oklahoma. They could not cover all the other states — that was left for you to do, with the assistance of their database of some 40,000 federal grants under the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

SEJ Publication Types: 

White House Met in Secret with Industry Before Frack Rule

Government rulemaking takes place with everything on the record in a public docket, right? Well ... actually not. EnergyWire reporter Mike Soraghan revealed in an April 12, 2013 story that presidential aide Heather Zichal met more than 20 times with industry groups lobbying on the proposed rule for fracking on federal lands.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Voluntary Fracking Disclosure Database Gets 'F' from Harvard Study

We told you so. But now a Harvard study also says it: the FracFocus registry designed and operated by the drilling industry (and its close friends) fails to meet the public's right to accountability and complete disclosure of chemicals pumped into underground formations that may impact people's drinking-water wells.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Texas Fertilizer Explosion Re-Raises Buried Hazmat Disclosure Issues

News stories about the April 17, 2013, explosion of a fertilizer storage plant in the town of West, Texas that killed 15 people have so far focused on the plant operator's risk-disclosure failure, instead of the likely fact that government agencies knew the nature and magnitude of the hazard — or should have known. The bigger story is the regulatory failure — and industry's decades-long campaign to keep the public ignorant of the threats they face. Photo: AP/LM Otero/Available through Creative Commons.

SEJ Publication Types: 
June 21, 2019

DEADLINE: NSF Antarctic Reporting Opportunity

The National Science Foundation and the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration are accepting proposals from media professionals to visit a "deep-field" camp on the remote Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica in December 2019, for a period of about two weeks. Apply by Jun 21.


Kalamazoo Mayor: EPA's Plan for Superfund Landfill Is 'Unacceptable'

"KALAMAZOO, MI -- Members of the Kalamazoo community gathered at a public forum Monday to learn more about the Allied Paper landfill site and to voice concerns with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to consolidate and cap the site in Kalamazoo's Edison neighborhood."

Source: Kalamazoo Gazette, 04/24/2013


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