
SEJ President and Lubbock Tour Leader Letters to Texas Observer, and Editor's Response

The Texas Observer published on December 11, 2012 a deeply flawed story about SEJ's 2012 conference. Please see below for SEJ's formal response through letters to the Observer's editor and publisher, from SEJ President Don Hopey and Board Member Roger Witherspoon, setting the record straight, and replies received from Texas Observer editor Dave Mann.


"Power Company Loses Some of Its Appetite for Coal"

"WASHINGTON — Coal took another serious hit Wednesday — in the heart of coal country. American Electric Power, or A.E.P., the nation’s biggest consumer of coal, announced that it would shut its coal-burning boilers at the Big Sandy electric power plant near Louisa, Ky., a 1,100-megawatt facility that since the early 1960s has been burning coal that was mined locally."

Source: NY Times, 12/20/2012

Some Employers Deny Temp Workers OSHA Protections

A memo from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration illustrates "the burden faced by some of America’s 2.5 million temporary, or contingent, workers — a growing but mostly invisible group of laborers who often toil in the least desirable, most dangerous jobs. Such workers are hurt more frequently than permanent employees and their injuries often go unrecorded, new research shows."

Source: Center for Public Integrity, 12/20/2012

Science Poised for Comeback as Mayan Apocalypse Looks Iffy

Will the world end Friday? Well, actually, it's already Friday in Kiribati (a Pacific island vulnerable to sea-level rise), and we have no reports of apocalypse. NASA scientists were so confident that they issued their retrospective world-didn't-end video 10 days ahead of time. Turns out the whole story was whomped up by some stoned hippies decades ago. Mayan scholars call it baloney. As to climate-caused sea-level rise, NASA is still issuing warnings. The entire nation of Kiribati is still planning to relocate ahead of rising seas.

Source: Yahoo!, 12/20/2012


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