
Toxic Winter Air From Wood Smoke Threatens Health of Fairbanks, AK

"FAIRBANKS -- Longtime Fairbanks-area resident Suzanne Fenner doesn't have to check the borough's air quality monitoring website to see whether or not pollution is high. She just looks out the front door. When she sees smoke rolling through, she knows she'll be coughing soon enough."

"Fenner, who's lived in Fairbanks since 1986, was shocked to learn recently she'd developed asthma. After being sick off and on for months, her doctor told her the asthma was a direct result of air pollution. ...

Source: Alaska Dispatch, 12/21/2012

From Best-Selling Novelist, Something Rare: Plot About Climate Change

"Barbara Kingsolver's novel, 'Flight Behavior,' opens with a scenario that could have been ripped from a Harlequin Romance: Dellarobia Turnbow, a restless young housewife in rural Feathertown, Tenn., is walking into the woods to meet a man who is not her husband. Things take a turn, as they always do in fiction. But this turn is not the usual one."

Source: Daily Climate, 12/21/2012

"Indian Point Nuclear Threat Needs Senate Review, Engineers Contend"

"In a letter sent Wednesday, a pair of nuclear engineers -- one of them an employee at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -- implored outgoing Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) to use his remaining days as chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs to investigate potential threats at two nuclear power facilities."

Source: Huffington Post, 12/21/2012

"In Midwest, Bringing Back Native Prairies Yard by Yard"

"Across the U.S. Midwest, homeowners are restoring their yards and former farmland to the native prairie that existed in pre-settlement days. The benefits can be substantial -- maintenance that uses less water and no fertilizer, and an ecosystem that supports wildflowers and wildlife."

Source: YaleE360, 12/21/2012

Special Year-End Member Spotlight: Interview with David Biello

Award-winning associate editor David Biello has been reporting on the environment and energy since 1999. He is the host of the 60-Second Earth podcast, a contributor to the Instant Egghead video series, author of a children's book on bullet trains, and hosts the PBS documentary series Beyond the Light Switch. Read Biello's comments on the state of environmental journalism and the value of SEJ to its member-journalists. 



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