
"SUNY Buffalo Shuts Down its Frack-Happy Shale Institute"

"Remember that questionable study put out by the State University at Buffalo earlier this year, the one that claimed Pennsylvania was doing a good job at regulating the fracking industry? This week SUNY Buffalo's president announced his decision to shutter its publisher, the school's own Shale Resources and Society Institute (SRSI)."

Source: Mother Jones, 11/21/2012

"Enviros Vexed By What's Missing in Water Contamination Reports"

"Pennsylvania's environmental protection chief is defending his agency's controversial system for testing water wells near Marcellus Shale operations by saying other states work the same way. But regulators in those states say that's not true."

Source: EnergyWire, 11/21/2012

SEJ Member Spotlight: Barbara Moran

Earlier this year, award-winning science journalist Barbara Moran was the recipient of a Fund for Environmental Journalism grant for her proposal to produce articles examining the impact on environmental pollution and public health of industrial laundries in New England. Read her story, published November 19, 2012 on C-HIT, and distributed to Hartford Courant, New Haven Register, Middletown Press and Torrington-Register Citizen.


"Study Spotlights High Breast Cancer Risk for Plastics Workers"

"WINDSOR, Ontario -- For more than three decades, workers, most of them women, have complained of dreadful conditions in many of this city’s plastic automotive parts factories: Pungent fumes and dust that caused nosebleeds, headaches, nausea and dizziness. Blobs of smelly, smoldering plastic dumped directly onto the floor. 'It was like hell,' says one woman who still works in the industry."

Source: Center for Public Integrity, 11/20/2012


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