
"How Safe are America’s 2.5 Million Miles of Pipelines?"

"Over the last few years a series of incidents have brought pipeline safety to national – and presidential – attention. As Obama begins his second term he will likely make a key decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, a proposed pipeline extension to transport crude from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico."

Source: ProPublica, 11/16/2012

BP's Profits-First Culture Prompts 11 Felony Guilty Pleas, $4.5B Fines

"Citing gross negligence and what it called the company's profits-first culture, the federal government on Thursday announced it had entered into a settlement with BP of all criminal claims stemming from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, fining the company a record $4.5 billion and securing 11 felony pleas from the company for the 11 people killed in the April 2010 blast."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 11/16/2012

Contamination Warnings in Newark Bay, Lower Passaic, Hackensack Rivers

"Federal officials Wednesday warned people not to come in contact with the water or eat any fish or shellfish from Newark Bay and the lower Passaic and Hackensack rivers because contamination levels remain dangerously high after Hurricane Sandy crippled a key sewage treatment plant."

Source: Bergen Record, 11/15/2012


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