
Right-Wing Cato Fakes 'Addendum', Tries To Undo U.S. Climate Report

"A new 'addendum' to be released as soon as this week purports to update with the latest science a 2009 federal assessment on the impacts to the United States of climate change. The addendum matches the layout and design of the original, published by the U.S. Global Change Research Program: Cover art, 'key message' sections, table of contents are all virtually identical, down to the chapter heads, fonts and footnotes. But the new report comes from the conservative Washington, D.C.-based Cato Institute."

Source: Daily Climate, 10/22/2012

NRC Hid Meltdown Threats to Nuke Plants from Dam Failures: Watchdogs

"An un-redacted version of a recently released Nuclear Regulatory Commission report highlights the threat that flooding poses to nuclear power plants located near large dams -- and suggests that the NRC has misled the public for years about the severity of the threat, according to engineers and nuclear safety advocates."

Source: Huffington Post, 10/22/2012

Feds Trust Private Contractors To Make Calls on FOIA Secrets

Danielle Ivory reports for Bloomberg: "At least 25 federal agencies are outsourcing parts of the FOIA process. The contractors, sometimes using workers with security clearances, are building FOIA software, corresponding with requesters, redacting documents and recommending what information should be withheld."

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