
"Harper's China-Canada Deal Overrides Environmental Protections"

"OTTAWA -- To attract Chinese investment for development of the Alberta oil sands and other natural resources, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pushing through a treaty that gives away Canadian legislative and judicial sovereignty with no public debate, warns a Canadian international investment law expert and law professor."

Source: ENS, 10/25/2012

"Native People Struggle With Tainted Resources, Lost Identity"

"For decades, indigenous people in the United States and Canada have been burdened with health problems linked to environmental pollutants. But that isn't their only sacrifice: Pollution is crippling some tribes' culture. Their native foods, water, medicines, language and ceremonies, as well as their traditional techniques of farming, hunting and fishing, have been jeopardized by contaminants and development."

Source: EHN, 10/25/2012
November 8, 2012

Sustainable Cities: Harnessing Urbanization to Achieve Social and Environmental Goals

NYC Deputy Mayor Holloway and other expert panelists will speak at Environmental Law Institute's Sustainable Cities Forum in Washington, DC. The event is open to the public and there is no cost to attend, but you must RSVP by November 1, 2012.



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