
News Analysis: "Giving Reins to the States Over Drilling"

"By proposing to end a century of federal control over oil and gas drilling and coal mining on government lands, Mitt Romney is making a bid for anti-Washington voters in key Western states while dangling the promise of a big reward to major campaign supporters from the energy industry."

Source: NY Times, 08/24/2012
November 27, 2013

DEADLINE: Annual High Country News Student Essay Contest

In 750 words, describe how you or someone in your community is making meaningful strides to lessen modern Western society's impact on the environment. The contest is open to students between the ages of 17 and 24 (as of January 1, 2013) who are currently enrolled in a college or other institute of higher education. Entry deadline: Nov 27, 2013.

September 14, 2012 to September 15, 2012

State of the Gulf Fisheries Symposium

The mission of the symposium is to inform and share knowledge among stakeholders so that everyone can move forward with a unified mission of a sustainable and healthy fishery in the Gulf of Mexico.


"Debt Standoff Makes Forest Agency Fight All Fires"

"The FLAME Act of 2009 was supposed to ensure the Forest Service had enough money to fight fires without having to cut into programs to provide recreation, protect habitat and improve forest health. But after Congress raided the fund established by the law during the 2011 standoff over the debt ceiling, and after further cuts this year, the fund is empty."

Source: Idaho Statesman, 08/23/2012


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