
Zero Option Draws Favor as Govt Reactor Meetings Shift To W. Japan

"OSAKA — The central government-sponsored public hearings on Japan's energy future moved to west Japan on Sunday, with the majority of designated speakers and attendees favoring either a complete withdrawal from nuclear power by 2030 or a near halving of the nation's reliance on it."

Source: Japan Times, 07/24/2012

"When Agendas Meet Science in the Gas Drilling Fight"

For years, controversy has been raging over what little 'science' there is on questions related to the environmental and health impacts of the hydraulic fracturing boom. The scientific controversies may be a proxy for the conflict over the gas-extraction method itself. Billions of dollars are at stake, the debate is getting ever more intense, and its intensity challenges the objectivity of scientists, government regulators, and journalists.

Source: Dot Earth, 07/24/2012


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