
"'Converted' Skeptic: Humans Driving Recent Warming"

"Richard Muller, a cantankerous but creative physicist at the University of California, Berkeley, who once derided climate change research, then dove in with his own reconstruction of terrestrial temperature changes and confirmed substantial warming, has now concluded that recent warming is 'almost entirely' human caused."

Source: Dot Earth, 07/30/2012

Financial Challenges Ahead, But So Too Opportunities To Tap Our ‘Network’

At its January 28, 2012 meeting, SEJ’s board of directors took steps to increase revenues and cut expenses for the short term as the board and staff pursue effectiveness studies and efforts to bring in new unrestricted gifts, new foundation grants, new university and media support, and new earned income. Read more from SEJ President Carolyn Whetzel.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Anti-Regulation Bill Passed By House GOP"

"WASHINGTON -- The Republican-led House on Thursday passed legislation that would freeze major government regulations until the unemployment rate, now at 8.2 percent, drops to 6 percent or below. The latest GOP attempt to rein in Obama administration's rulemaking, like previous anti-regulation bills, is virtually certain to die in the Democratic-controlled Senate."

Source: AP, 07/27/2012


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