
"De-Hazing the Lazy Days of Summer"

"It's high season in the nation's national parks as millions of visitors come to see nature. If last year's visitor figures hold up -- and early indications suggest they will -- nine million visitors will see the Great Smoky Mountains, the most visited national park. Three other parks -- Grand Canyon (more than four million visitors in 2011) Yellowstone (about three million) and Acadia (more than two million) -- combined will attract roughly the same number."

Source: Green/NYT, 07/13/2012

"Delays, Cost Increases at Nation's New Nuclear Projects"

"Despite promises from the nuclear industry to regulators and consumers that they learned from mistakes of the past, the nation's first two nuclear reactor projects built from scratch in 30 years are headed toward hundreds of millions of dollars in cost overruns and months, if not years, of delays."

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 07/13/2012

"Groups: U.S. Shares 'Mindset' Behind Japan's Nuclear Disaster"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- The same 'man-made' problems underlying last year's nuclear disaster in Japan exist today in the United States, warn five U.S. groups responding to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission's report to Japan's Diet, or parliament."

Source: ENS, 07/13/2012

N. American Environmental Officials Briefed on Community Concerns

"Senior environment officials from the United States, Mexico and Canada meeting in New Orleans on Wednesday were briefed on environmental concerns facing homeland communities, including indoor air pollution in Alaska, protecting freshwater sources from sewage and other pollutants in Mexico, and the impact of climate change already on First Nation villages along the Arctic Circle."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 07/12/2012


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