
"A Gold Rush in the Abyss"

"Tom Dettweiler makes his living miles down. He helped find the Titanic. After that, his teams located a lost submarine heavy with gold. In all, he has cast light on dozens of vanished ships. Mr. Dettweiler has now turned from recovering lost treasures to prospecting for natural ones that litter the seabed: craggy deposits rich in gold and silver, copper and cobalt, lead and zinc."

Source: NY Times, 07/10/2012

"Fracking Did Not Sully Aquifers, Limited Study Finds"

"A new study enters the debate over the safety of hydraulic fracturing: researchers report that naturally occurring paths in the rock bed in northeastern Pennsylvania allowed some contaminants to migrate into shallow drinking aquifers. They found no direct connection between the contamination and shale-gas drilling operations in the region, however."

Source: Green/NYT, 07/10/2012
July 24, 2012

DEADLINE: EJN Fellowship for IUCN World Conservation Congress

Internews’ Earth Journalism Network is organizing a Fellowship for journalists interested in agriculture — 1 each from China, India, Brazil, the US and Northwestern Mexico — to attend the IUCN World Conservation Congress being held in Jeju, Korea, September 5-12. Fellowships still available as of July 24th; apply ASAP.

Topics on the Beat: 
July 9, 2012 to July 11, 2012

2012 CEC Council Session (and workshop): Community and Ecosystem Resilience in North America

Media are invited to New Orleans for the 2012 Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Council Session: Community and Ecosystem Resilience in North America on July 11, as well as the workshop on Resilient Communities in North America prior to the Council Session on July 9 and 10. Can't make it in person? Submit questions beforehand and watch the CEC live webcast.


"'New McCarthyism' Described by Climate Scientist Michael Mann"

"Long respected by his professional peers around the world, [scientist Michael] Mann became more widely known as one of the targets of the so-called and now discredited 'climategate scandal,' involving hacked emails of several prominent climate scientists. Mann's science and professional conduct (and that of others so targeted) have been repeatedly exonerated by independent professional review."

Source: ABC News, 07/09/2012


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