
Newspapers in Fracking Secrecy Case Win Support of Doctors, Scientists

"PITTSBURGH  -- In a lawsuit over gas industry secrecy, doctors, scientists, researchers and advocates filed court documents supporting two newspapers seeking access to information that could shed light on the health impacts of gas development, including the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing or fracking. ...

Source: ENS, 05/03/2012

CRS Reports: You Paid for Them — You May As Well Read Them

Here are some recent reports by the Congressional Research Service related to the environment/energy beat. Congress does not release them to the public. We again thank the Federation of American Scientists' Government Secrecy Project for doing so. 

SEJ Publication Types: 

Dark Hand of OMB Lifted from FOIA Recommendations — Or So They Say

OMB sat on the Office of Government Information Services recommendations for over a year, until a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in March 2012 demanded OMB release the recommendations, which finally happened April 24th. However, no recommendations for legislative change were included. Nobody knows what, if any, legislative recommendations OGIS may have originally proposed.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Sad But True: Many Agency Press Offices Stifle Reporter Contact with Employees

Now there is research proving what reporters have known all along, thanks to a survey from the Society of Professional Journalists. SPJ commissioned work by survey research professionals who canvassed newsgatherers during January-February 2012. Here are some of the findings and a link to the full report.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Cool Data Tools: EPA Releases NEPAssist Mapper

For reporters wanting to pry open the worm-cans of local environmental stories, EPA's new GIS tool lets you map Environmental Impact Statements project information against a rich backdrop: layer after layer of geographic, demographic, environmental, and economic context. And, it can be used in conjunction with EJView, EPA's environmental justice online mapping tool.

SEJ Publication Types: 

SEJ Member Spotlight: Patricia Sagastume

Our second member spotlight goes on independent producer and reporter Patricia Sagastume, whose blog covers South Florida issues. Her recent radio piece, which aired on the independent WLRN Miami Herald News, offers a unique perspective on the potential of wind farms to stimulate jobs and tourism in economically depressed communities. Have a listen!


"Texas Pollution Feud Will Continue, Despite Armendariz's Resignation"

The resignation of EPA Region 6 Administrator Al Armendariz has not resolved much. Conflicts over oil-industry pollution and whether laws against it should be enforced remain intense in parts of Texas where people are making money from the pollution while others fear they are being made sick by it.

Gabriel Nelson reports for Greenwire May 1, 2012.

Source: Greenwire, 05/02/2012


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