
1,000+ Tonnes of Asbestos Removed From Canadian Parliament Buildings

"While the Canadian government continues to block the inclusion of chrysotile asbestos from a UN agreement on hazardous materials, millions of dollars are being spent to remove the controversial substance from the Parliamentary Buildings and since Aug. 31, a combined total of more than 1,000 metric tonnes of asbestos have been removed from the West Block and Wellington Building, says Public Works."

Source: Hill Times, 11/28/2011

As Climate Talks Start, Local Strategies Replace Kyoto Global Pact

"The officials from around the world who will gather in South Africa on Monday to convene the latest round of U.N. climate negotiations are facing an uncomfortable fact: The global pact that has dictated greenhouse-gas targets since 1997 may no longer be relevant.

The mandatory targets of the Kyoto Protocol cover less than a third of the world’s carbon output. Major emitters are not bound by it. And, increasingly, the world is relying on a patchwork of measures rather than a universal treaty to lessen the impacts of global warming.

Source: Wash Post, 11/28/2011

BLM Says 9 Western States Have Worthy Wilderness Areas

Designating lands as wilderness or some other highly protected status always is contentious, but the BLM has identified 24 areas in 9 western states the agency says have significant local support for this idea: CA (9 areas), CO (3), ID (1), MT (1), NM (2), NV (2), OR (2), UT (3), and WA (1).

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Feds Announce Offshore Oil and Gas Target Areas

Offshore oil and gas drilling from 2012-2017 would be focused in the western and central Gulf of Mexico and off the shores of northern and southern Alaska, if the Dept. of Interior's proposed plan and draft programmatic environmental impact statement, released Nov. 8, 2011, are accepted as is. A 60-day public comment period ends Jan. 9, 2012.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 
December 9, 2011

EPA and the Economy: Seeing Green?

In this Environmental Law Institute seminar in Washington, DC  (and via teleconference), expert panelists will discuss the economic ramifications of EPA’s regulations, whether regulations create or kill jobs, and recent legislative attempts — such as the REINS Act, the Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011, and the use of the Congressional Review Act — to increase Congressional oversight and restrain EPA action.

December 1, 2011

Federal Climate Change Adaptation: Current Efforts, Political Debates, and Future Potential

The Environmental Law Institute invites you to join University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Law professor Victor B. Flatt in Washington, DC (or via teleconference) for a review of what has happened so far in climate change adaptation at the federal level, what legal authority exists for further adaptation policy, and the current political debate surrounding the issue which could affect federal policy making.

November 30, 2011

Harnessing NEPA to Manage Cumulative Impacts in the Ocean

This Environmental Law Institute seminar in Washington, DC (and via teleconference) will bring together experts to discuss methods for improving cumulative environmental impacts analysis and utilizing NEPA to enhance ecosystem-based, adaptive management of human activities in the ocean.



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