
November 30, 2011

TSCA Reform Series: Risk Management

This webinar, convened by the Environmental Law Institute, will examine reform of EPA authorities to control the sale, distribution, releases and use of chemicals. Topics to be addressed include: standard of proof; the role of cost/benefit analysis; private firm obligations; approaches to new technologies such as nanotech; and role of downstream users of chemicals.


Trouble in Toyland: "Pointlessly Dangerous Toys, 2011 Edition"

"Toys made with lead and phthalates continue to pose needless risks to U.S. children, according to the annual "Trouble in Toyland" report from U.S. PIRG.  Its findings are worth keeping in mind this holiday season as you shop or unwrap gifts for your kids -- especially for the babies and toddlers most as risk."

Jeff Gelles reports for the Philadelphia Inquirer November 22, 2011.

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 11/23/2011


"Here we go again. Once more on the eve of a major United Nations negotiating session on climate change, an anonymous commenter has posted thousands of emails between scientists online. Climate change critics have already latched onto the emails as "Climategate 2.0." Much like the first iteration of the manufactured controversy, the commenter released the emails with a selection of short, out-of-context quotes designed to make scientists look nefarious."

Source: Mother Jones, 11/23/2011


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