
"U.S. Supreme Court Ends Bush-Era Grazing Regulations"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. Supreme Court [Monday] denied consideration of an appeal by the Public Lands Council of previous federal court decisions overturning Bureau of land Management grazing regulations promulgated during the George W. Bush administration. The decision affects over 160 million acres of public land in 11 western states."

Source: ENS, 10/05/2011
October 12, 2011

DEADLINE: Pakistan-United States Journalists Exchange

The East-West Center in Honolulu is accepting applications until October 12th for the 2012 Pakistan-United States Journalists Exchange, March 21-April 7, 2012. Pakistani journalists visit Washington, D.C., New York City and Columbia, Missouri. U.S. journalists visit Islamabad and Karachi, Pakistan.

October 18, 2011

West Coast Premiere of Documentary 'Greening the Revolution' (in Newport Coast, CA)

On 10/18, the 'CINEMA SAGE HILL' free community film series will feature the West Coast Premiere of documentary 'GREENING THE REVOLUTION' in Newport Coast, CA.

Topics on the Beat: 

"A Map of Organized Climate Change Denial"

"A chart of 'key components of the climate change denial machine' has been produced by Riley E. Dunlap, regents professor of sociology at Oklahoma State University, and Aaron M. McCright, an associate professor of sociology at Michigan State University. The diagram below (reproduced here with permission) is from a chapter the two researchers wrote on organized opposition to efforts to curb greenhouse gases for the new Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society."

Source: Dot Earth, 10/04/2011


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