
"Environmental Law Violations Found at Scores of Tribal Schools"

"Hundreds of Native American children attend schools that haven’t properly disposed of hazardous waste, haven’t contained asbestos in heating systems, and whose water systems exceed the maximum allowable level for arsenic in tap water – conditions barred under federal environmental laws."

Source: iWatch News, 08/24/2011

Official: U.S. in Early Talks About Int'l Nuclear Leasing Arrangements

"Department of Energy officials have spent weeks trying to knock down reports that they have been interested in building a nuclear waste repository in Mongolia.

Now, the Obama administration is going a step further, disclosing that what DOE hopes to do is 'lease' uranium from other countries, then return the spent fuel to the originating country.

Source: Greenwire, 08/24/2011

"Fishing Gear Is Altered to Ease Collateral Costs to Marine Life"

"BOSTON — In the world of environmental regulation, where the hope is to write rules that both industry and science can live with, few areas are as contentious as fishing. Especially on the East Coast, fishermen attack scientists as mired in bottomless ignorance about how fish are actually caught. Scientists sometimes describe fishermen as racing to catch the last fish, regardless of the harm to vanishing species."

Source: NY Times, 08/24/2011

Obama Admin Outlines 500 Reforms It Says Will Save Businesses Billions

"Seven months after receiving an executive order to cut red tape, federal agencies today released their final plans for cutting burdensome regulations, unveiling hundreds of changes that are estimated to save billions of dollars and millions of hours of paperwork in the coming years."

Source: Greenwire, 08/24/2011

"Fukushima Fallout Said 30 Times Hiroshima's"

"Video footage of Tatsuhiko Kodama's impassioned speech before a Diet committee in July went viral online recently, showing the medical expert's shocking revelation that the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant spewed some 30 times more radioactive materials than the fallout from the Hiroshima atomic bombing."

Jun Hongo reports for the Japan Times August 24, 2011.

Source: Japan Times, 08/24/2011

"Quake Raises Safety Concerns as US Nuclear Plant Shut"

"The largest earthquake to hit the East Coast of the United States in 67 years raised concerns on Tuesday about the safety of the country's nuclear power plants. The 5.8 magnitude quake's epicenter was just a few miles from the two-reactor North Anna nuclear power plant operated by Dominion Resources in Mineral, Virginia, 80 miles southwest of Washington."

Source: Reuters, 08/24/2011


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