
"Drilling Regulators Pull Double Duty as Industry Promoters"

"State oil and gas agencies across the country are straining to prevent a flood of new drilling from harming human health and the environment. But that's not really their job. Or at least not all of it. Their job is also to promote drilling. And sometimes the law makes that their top priority."

Source: Greenwire, 12/01/2011

EPA Proposes Regulating Ship Ballast Water To Battle Invasive Species

"TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — The Environmental Protection Agency proposed stricter requirements Wednesday for cleaning ballast water that keeps ships upright in rolling seas but enables invasive species to reach U.S. waters, where they have ravaged ecosystems and caused billions of dollars in economic losses."

Source: Wash Post, 12/01/2011

Biofuels Industry Generous To Gingrich After Decades-Long Relationship

GOP Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has been a supporter of subsidies for corn-based ethanol for years. That has boosted his income as a lobbyist and bolstered his support in corn-growing Iowa, one of the earliest tests in the race. But it may also disprove his claims that he is not a lobbyist, and hurt him politically in other states as many GOP candidates have disavowed ethanol subsidies.

Source: E&E Daily, 12/01/2011

EPA Releases 100s of Chemical Health Studies Claimed As Trade Secrets

The studies are submitted by companies who use the chemicals in commerce, under the Toxic Substances Control Act. EPA's online searchable database can help you find information about such health studies, which were previously withheld because of industry trade-secret claims.

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Industry Lobby Opposes Disclosure of Fragrance Ingredients

If you are worried that ingredients in cleaning products may aggravate your allergies, mess up your sex hormones, or cause cancer, you may not find out what they are. The International Fragrance Association North America and the American Cleaning Institute are opposing a bill introduced in the House that would require cleaning products to carry ingredients lists on the package label.

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Calif. Law Keeps Public from Knowing About Dangerous Pipelines

The San Francisco Chronicle revealed almost all records of the state's Public Utilities Commission, which regulates pipelines, are secret — and the PUC typically asks permission from the utility companies before releasing any information. In most other states, such information is freely available to the public.

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