
April 15, 2011 to April 17, 2011

GreenStock Expo and Concert

This three-day music event in Scottsdale, AZ will feature 20 national headliner bands and green companies exhibiting their sustainable products at the free expo. Both the concert stage and expo booths will be powered by solar and other types of alternative energy.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 15, 2011

DEADLINE: Science Communications 2011

This unique, intensive program, August 13-28, 2011, offers professionals in both science and communications an opportunity to learn print, visual, interactive media, and other communication formats from some of the world's leading science communicators in beautiful Banff, Alberta. Apply by April 15th.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Swiss NGO Links Los Angeles Killing to Timber Corruption in Malaysia"

"Protests over timber corruption that has made a billionaire of the chief minister of the Malaysian state of Sarawak and enriched his family at the expense of the state's indigenous and other citizens have spilled over to the streets of San Francisco, Seattle, Ottawa and London." Now there are charges of a political murder on US soil.

Source: ENS, 03/10/2011

"Analysis: Think $100 U.S. Oil Is Bad? It's Really Much Worse"

"Americans worried about the pain of $100 U.S. oil should worry a lot more. Although $100 oil is the headline in U.S. newspapers, most refineries that supply fuel to service stations are paying the equivalent of a much higher price -- and those costs are already being felt when consumers fill up their vehicles."

Source: Reuters, 03/10/2011

"Greens Slam EPA Over Exemption for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data"

"U.S. EPA's plan to give businesses another three years to show how they calculate their greenhouse gas emissions will weaken the agency's new reporting requirements and could be illegal, environmental groups said before yesterday's deadline to comment on the proposal."

Source: Greenwire, 03/10/2011

"Health Groups Gird for Fight Over EPA's Power-Plant Toxics Rules"

"With the Obama administration required to put its plan for reducing toxic air pollution from coal-fired power plants on the table a week from today, the American Lung Association and other public health groups have started an early push to explain why U.S. EPA shouldn't flinch on the long-delayed rules."

Source: Greenwire, 03/10/2011


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