
"Shifting Spring: Arctic Plankton Blooming Up To 50 Days Earlier Now"

Global warming is causing dramatic changes in the Arctic Ocean. The earlier melting of annual ice is causing the regular spring blooms of plankton to peak up to 50 days earlier -- possibly disrupting the entire ecosystem of fish, shellfish, birds, and marine mammals that depend on the plankton.

Source: Wash Post, 03/07/2011

"Study: Pollution Rules Will Create Jobs, Push Up Rates"

"Proposed rules governing air pollution generated by the nation's power providers could cost the industry nearly $200 billion in upgrades and new, cleaner generation but provide four to eight times that amount in economic benefits, with Tennessee being one of the big winners, according to a recent study."

Source: Knoxville News Sentinel, 03/07/2011

"Author Explains History Behind Tunnel Disaster"

An author tells the story of the Hawks Nest, WV, hydroelectric tunnel, whose drilling Union Carbide began in 1927. It was run as a mining operation, but not regulated by any government agency. Of the 5,000 men who worked on the tunnel over 18 months, at least 764 men, mostly African-American migrant workers, died of the industrial disease silicosis, well known even then. Managers wore protective masks during inspection visits, but did not provide any to workers. The company hired doctors to tell the men it was their fault, and buried them in unmarked mass graves. West Virginia kept the story out of the state's history curriculum until last year.

Source: Beckley Register-Herald, 03/07/2011


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