
"Walrus on Endangered Species Waiting List"

"The Fish and Wildlife Service has determined that the Pacific walrus, greatly recovered from decades of slaughter but facing stress in the warming Arctic climate, merits protection under the Endangered Species Act. But the species, like others that face rising pressure but are not in imminent danger, will for now remain in the regulatory equivalent of an overcrowded hospital triage department."

Source: Dot Earth, 02/09/2011

House Energy Chair Upton Denies Human Role In Climate Change (VIDEO)

Which has a stronger influence on human thinking -- power, money, ideology, or science? House Energy Chairman Fred Upton's recent denial that humans are causing climate change casts science as the weakling in the ring. His switch comes even as new documents reveal that the Bush White House overruled EPA science findings on climate -- even though former EPA head Stephen Johnson testified under oath to the contrary.

Source: Huffington Post, 02/09/2011


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