
Colorado River: "Running Toward Empty?"

Water managers, farmers, electric utilities, skiers and some 30 million water users breathed a sigh of relief in recent weeks with news that snowpack in the basin of the Colorado River was better. The relief may be temporary. The drought that has plagued the region for 11 years may become the new "normal."

Source: Climate Central, 01/19/2011

After Rough Start, Radio Story on Green Architecture Turns into Award Winner

Reporter Jason Margolis skillfully illustrates the relationship between built spaces and climate change issues by spotlighting two proactive architects and their environmentally friendly buildings in Toronto, Canada and Mexico City for Public Radio International's program "The World." SEJournal’s Bill Dawson has the "Inside Story."

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Georgia Has Diverted Millions in Environmental Fees

Georgia "collected more than $30 million in fees from Georgians last year for programs designed to clean up landfills, tire dumps and hazardous sites and to improve 911 services. The governor and state lawmakers put less than $2 million of the fee revenue toward those programs."

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 01/19/2011


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