
January 19, 2024

DEADLINE: Canadian Association of Journalists Annual Awards

CAJ recognizes outstanding Canadian reporting — with a particular focus on investigative work. Cash prizes are offered in several categories, including Photojournalism, Environmental and Climate Change Award, Emerging Indigenous Journalist Award, FOI Journalism Award and Student Award. Deadline: Jan 19, 2024.


"Night Owls May Want To Dim Their Lights"

"People who spend their evenings in relatively bright light run the risk of stressing their bodies by ratcheting down the production of melatonin. Produced in the brain's pineal gland, this hormone plays a pivotal role in setting the body's biological clock – and, potentially, in limiting the development of certain cancers."

Source: Science News, 01/17/2011

"Wyo. Debate Simmers Decades After Fluoridation"

"A Cold War 'red scare' campaign against compulsory medication helped kill off five years of fluoridation in this northern Wyoming city in 1954. The federal government has long since called fluoridation one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century. But it was only a few weeks ago that Sheridan's City Council voted to resume fluoridating municipal drinking water."

Source: AP, 01/17/2011

"The Search for BP's Oil"

"For the scientists aboard the WeatherBird II, the recasting of the Deepwater Horizon spill as a good-news story about a disaster averted has not been easy to watch. Over the past seven months, they, along with a small group of similarly focused oceanographers from other universities, have logged dozens of weeks at sea in cramped research vessels, carefully measuring and monitoring the spill's impact on the delicate and little-understood ecology of the deep ocean."

Source: Nation, 01/17/2011

"Opponents to Fracking Disclosure Take Big Money From Industry"

Members of Congress inclined not to regulate hydraulic fracturing for natural gas are getting about 19 times as much money from the gas industry as those who want to disclose the toxic chemicals in the fracturing fluid companies are pumping into the ground near people's drinking water supplies.

Source: ProPublica, 01/17/2011


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