
"Alaska Fishermen Circle Their Boats To Fight Mine"

"Dillingham, Alaska -- It is an unfortunate coincidence of geography that this lush region of wild rivers, grassy tundra and windy sea is home to two competing treasures of almost unimaginable value: the world's largest sockeye salmon run, supporting a fishery worth $440 million a year; and in the hills behind it, a massive deposit of copper, molybdemum and gold worth at least $300 billion."

Source: LA Times, 08/04/2010

Oil Industry Funds Hired PR Guns to Attack BP, Elect GOPers

An oil-industry-funded PR 'War Room' stands ready to kill or counter any public discourse unfavorable to the oil industry. The conservative non-profit group running it has been accused of shaking down BP. They are working hard to elect Republiicans to the Senate.

Source: Wash Post, 08/04/2010

"Price-of-Bread Alert" -- Market Sees Climate-Driven Wheat-Harvest Shortfall

"Global wheat crops are taking it on the chin, thanks to a drought and fires in Russia, too much rain in Canada, and locusts in Australia. Prices are at levels not seen in almost two years." Climate-driven harvest failures in other parts of the world may be good news for US grain dealers -- and may alter the balance of UN climate talks.

Source: NPR, 08/04/2010


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