
"AP IMPACT: BP Spill Response Plans Severely Flawed"

"BP PLC's 582-page regional spill plan for the Gulf, and its 52-page, site-specific plan for the Deepwater Horizon rig are riddled with omissions and glaring errors, according to an Associated Press analysis that details how BP officials have pretty much been making it up as they go along. The lengthy plans approved by the federal government last year before BP drilled its ill-fated well vastly understate the dangers posed by an uncontrolled leak and vastly overstate the company's preparedness to deal with one."

Source: AP, 06/09/2010

Manufacturing Plants Are Source of Drugs in Waterways

Wastewater treatment plants can't mitigate the problem, which is compounded by other sources of water contamination, such as drugs that end up in landfills or flushed down toilets, and metabolites or unutilized drugs that pass through people who take the drugs.

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15 States Get More Federal Recreational Trails

The National Trails system, already stretching more than 12,500 miles, expands with the addition of 31 more trails totalling 716 miles.

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BLM Tweaks Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Policies

The changes affect only new drilling areas and may include greater consideration of environmental impacts, more public review, fewer "categorical exclusions" from environmental review, and more.

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"UNESCO Approves 13 New Biosphere Reserves for Enhanced Protection"

"Ethiopia and Zimbabwe have added their first biosphere reserves to the network of reserves created by the United Nations to halt the loss of biodiversity and promote sustainable development. One of the two new Ethiopian reserves protects the place of origin of the plant Caffea Arabica, believed to be the first species of coffee ever cultivated."

Source: ENS, 06/08/2010


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