
"Senators Back Solar Tariffs, Oppose Prairie Bird Safeguards"

"The Senate approved a measure Wednesday that would reinstate tariffs on solar panel imports from several Southeast Asian countries after President Joe Biden paused them in a bid to boost solar installations in the U.S. Lawmakers also approved a separate plan to undo federal protections for the lesser prairie chicken...."

Source: AP, 05/04/2023
May 15, 2023

SciLine Media Briefing: Coastal Flooding

At SciLine’s next media briefing, scientists will discuss which coastal regions are most vulnerable to different types of floods; the effects of flooding on local wastewater treatment systems and other municipal infrastructure; risks to aquifers and crops from saltwater intrusion; and more. 3:00 p.m. ET.


"They Pollute. You Pay (Literally)."

"How regular taxpayers are subsidizing the ultra-wealthy's use of climate-polluting private jets."

"Just 70 miles south of Pittsburgh in rural Farmington, Pennsylvania, there is a luxury resort called Nemacolin. Best known as the lavish location where ABC filmed The Bachelor during pandemic lockdowns, the 2,000-acre property hosts three hotels, seven eateries, a casino, two spas, and two golf courses. It also has a private airstrip for guests to land their jets.

Source: HEATED, 05/03/2023

"Toxic Vinyl Chloride Is A Widespread Environmental Injustice"

"Vinyl chloride, the cancer-causing chemical released in the February train derailment disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, contaminates many communities in the U.S. due to pollution from plastics manufacturing plants, according to a new report."

Source: EHN, 05/03/2023

"The FCC Is Supposed to Protect the Environment. It Doesn’t."

"The agency is mandated to safeguard the environment from damage caused by communication infrastructure. But when companies want to add new cell phone towers, build on protected land or launch satellites, the agency typically does little or nothing."

Source: ProPublica, 05/03/2023

"Climate-Hit Wetlands Lay Bare Britain's Biodiversity Struggle"

"As seagulls circled above and tourists watched in confusion, Duncan Holmes steered his boat through thousands of dead fish bobbing at the surface of the River Thurne in east England."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 05/03/2023

Enviros Want FTC Green Guides to Shun ‘Chemical’ Recycling of Plastic Waste

"The plastics industry says heating and treating plastic waste with chemicals enables it to make new plastics. But environmentalists say that process, emitting large amounts of climate and air pollution, isn’t recycling and isn’t green."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/03/2023

"Outrage Over Fresh Chemical Leak At Shell Plastics Plant"

"When Shell Chemical Appalachia announced the start of a massive plastics manufacturing facility last November in western Pennsylvania, [it] ... touted the company’s “strong and innovative safety focus.” But now, just six months later, the plant has been the site of multiple malfunctions, including the leakage of benzene, a known carcinogen, along with other pollutants last month."

Source: The New Lede, 05/03/2023


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