
"BC Hydro Secretly Handed Out $430 Million In Site C Dam Contracts"

"Over the past three years, undisclosed BC Hydro employees quietly awarded more than $430 million in contracts — without any competition — to three dozen companies and consultants for work on the troubled Site C hydro dam, according to a list obtained by The Narwhal."

Source: The Narwhal, 04/28/2023

EPA and Texas Ignored Warnings at Chemical Site. Then an Inferno Erupted.

"Regulators repeatedly documented — but did little to address — problems at a Houston-area tank farm before a disastrous fire struck in March 2019. The fire released toxic chemicals into nearby communities for weeks."

Source: Public Health Watch, 04/28/2023

"Climate Change Caused Catastrophic East Africa Drought, Scientists Say"

"East Africa’s worst drought in at least 40 years, which has displaced more than a million people and pushed millions more to the brink of famine, would not have happened if not for human-caused climate change, a network of extreme-weather scientists said Thursday."

Source: Washington Post, 04/28/2023

#SEJSpotlight: Rick Weiss, Director, SciLine/AAAS

Meet SEJ member Rick Weiss! In 2017, Rick founded SciLine, a philanthropically funded, free, nonprofit service that connects journalists directly to scientists and science-based facts for news stories, on deadline. He founded the organization in response to changes in the journalism landscape that saw a loss of specialty science reporters from many local newsrooms and a need to help local and general assignment reporters integrate more research-backed evidence into their reporting.

Topics on the Beat: 

Ex-Federal Officials Slam WHO For Misleading Guidance On ‘Forever Chemicals’

"The World Health Organization’s (WHO) draft drinking water guidelines for “forever chemicals” disregard best available science and require extensive revisions, two former federal officials argued in a new position paper."

Source: The Hill, 04/27/2023

Canada Oil Sands Leak Heightens First Nations' Calls To Clean Up Tailings

"In early February, Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation in northern Alberta started fielding calls from community members after the provincial regulator revealed toxic wastewater had been leaking for months from a tailings pond at Imperial Oil's Kearl oil sands mine."

Source: Reuters, 04/27/2023


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