
New Book: "Did a Military Lab Spill Anthrax Into Public Waterways?"

"Unsterilized laboratory wastewater from the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland, spewed out the top of a rusty 50,000-gallon outdoor holding tank, the pressure catapulting it over the short concrete wall that was supposed to contain hazardous spills."

Source: KFF Health News, 04/26/2023

"U.S. Identifies Gulf Of Maine Area For Offshore Wind Development"

"President Joe Biden's administration on Tuesday said it had finalized an area of nearly 10 million acres in the Gulf of Maine for potential offshore wind development, a major step toward expanding the industry into northern New England."

Source: Reuters, 04/26/2023

"EPA Solvent Rule Said to Signal Hurdles Ahead for US Industries"

"The EPA’s recent proposal to limit a potentially deadly solvent’s use and production signals challenges for diverse industries as the agency prepares to release more rules restricting widely used chemicals, according to an industry attorney."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 04/26/2023

Amid Fires, Calif. Scientists Probe How Smoke Affects Pregnancy and Children

"When wildfires spread through parts of Northern California wine country in 2017, they melted electronics, combusted cars and exploded propane tanks. The fires sent acrid smoke billowing into the sky, its footprint wafting over the state and extending for 500 miles into the Pacific Ocean."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/26/2023

"Top US Banks Face Little Investor Pressure On Fossil-Fuel Financing"

"Top U.S. bank investors gave only slim support on Tuesday to shareholder resolutions calling for the lenders to wind down new fossil fuel financing, setbacks for climate activists who had hoped for new constraints on the oil and gas industries."

Source: Reuters, 04/26/2023
June 3, 2024


Story Money Impact (SMI) invites applications until Jun 3, 2024 for the fourth edition of this eight-month program, which aims to support five completed documentary films that inspire action towards social and/or environmental justice issues in Canada. Choose one of two Zoom info sessions offered May 13 and May 17.


"Salamander Dads Are Turning Into Cannibals, Threatening Species Survival"

"The hellbenders’ alarming change in behavior may be linked to deforestation, a new study found."

"The hellbender salamander has been called a lot of things. Snot otter. Mud devil. Old lasagna sides.

And now, perhaps: baby-eating cannibal, according to new research into the parental habits of these giant amphibians.

An eight-year study of hellbenders living in the cold, rocky rivers of southwestern Virginia has found that male salamanders are increasingly consuming their own young in areas near decimated forests.

Source: NYTimes, 04/25/2023


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