"A federal judge sided with environmentalists yesterday and threw out Bush-era Forest Service regulations that govern management plans for national forests."
SEJ members Leslie Dodson and Daniel Glick, along with photojournalist Ted Wood, are founding partners of this multimedia journalism consortium devoted to covering global energy, economic and environmental issues.
This case may make it illegal for journalists to cover animal cruelty cases like the Michael Vicks dogfighting prosecution — or even to shoot investigative video of out-of-season fishing.
Proposed legislation would repeal a provision allowing secrecy over chemicals injected underground during high-tech gas drilling — such as benzene and toluene, which are known to be toxic.
A cooperative effort of federal and state agencies, coal companies, and environmental groups, the database lists coal-waste impoundments in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.
FOIA requests and Congressional pressure got the Obama administration to reverse its decision to withhold key information about dangers to communities from coal-ash ponds operated by electric utilities.
Kansas Governor Mark Parkinson revived a Sunflower Electric coal-fired power plant when he replaced Katherine Sibelius. Now that deal may be unraveling.