Single Stream: Is Simpler Recycling Better Recycling?
"Red, White, and...Green?" Eco Wine Tastes Like a Good Story
National Trails System Continues to Grow
The National Trails System is in its hiking prime, celebrating its 40th birthday on Oct. 2, 2008. The network of 26 trails traverses about 60,000 miles throughout the country.
FEDS Set Stage for Geothermal Development
Congress May Approve Major Lands Bill in November
Eco-Packaging for Wine: Bottles and Beyond
SEJournal Fall 2008, Vol. 18 No. 3

In this issue: Bringing Rachel Carson to the Silver Screen; The Environment Plays in the Prez Campaign; The Roots of Conservatives' E-view; Click the title for a hotlinked table of contents.
Can "Smart Grids" Really Help?
"Smart grids" are packages of technologies and services that allow two-way communication between homes and utilities, as well as between various parts of regional power distribution systems.
Supreme Court Case Could Affect Nearly 550 Power Plants