Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

As Ohio Nuclear Bill Advances, Dems Seek To Raise Renewable Standard

"A second version of legislation in Ohio designed to subsidize the operation of two nuclear power plants appears to have the same limitations on renewable energy development as the first version."

Source: Midwest Energy News, 05/07/2019

50 Minnesota Republicans Say Humans Aren’t ‘Key Cause Of Climate Change’

"Minnesota House members revealed Wednesday whether they believe humans are causing climate change. It broke largely along party lines: 79 lawmakers, including all 75 Democrats, voted yes, and 50 Republicans voted no. Five Republicans did not vote."

Source: Twin Cities Pioneer Press, 04/25/2019

Is Your Favorite River Endangered? Check the List.

The latest release of the annual endangered rivers list provides boatloads of environmental reporting angles, including climate change-related threats like flooding and drought. This week’s TipSheet has the backstory and the new top-10 list, plus 10 suggested starting points for stories and a half-dozen key reporting resources.

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Indiana Chamber Rejects Pruitt Effort To Keep Coal-Fired Plants Online

"The leading business lobby group in Indiana on Monday rejected a plea from former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt to back legislation that would keep aging coal-fired power plants online because it would raise electricity rates for local businesses and homeowners.

Source: Reuters, 04/23/2019

"Michigan Governor Open To Allowing Great Lakes Oil Tunnel"

"Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said Wednesday that she’s open to allowing construction of an oil transport tunnel beneath the channel where Lakes Huron and Michigan meet, despite previously halting work on a tunnel plan developed by her predecessor."

Source: AP, 04/22/2019

"Federal Judge Rules Flint Residents Can Sue the EPA"

"A lawsuit by Flint residents against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency can move forward. U.S. District Court Judge Linda Parker ruled the plaintiffs can sue the EPA. Nearly 5,000 Flint residents are part of the lawsuit. It was filed in 2017. The lawsuit alleges the EPA failed to utilize its authority under the Safe Drinking Water Act."

Source: Michigan Radio, 04/22/2019

"Michigan Sets New Health Screening Limits For 5 Types of PFAS"

"Michigan’s response to PFAS contamination now includes screening levels for five forms of the chemicals, a move that sets a significantly lower base-line for considering potential health effects for people exposed to them."

Source: Ann Arbor News, 04/05/2019


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