Great Lakes (IL IN MI MN OH WI)

Lead Poisoning Stunts Cleveland Students’ Learning While Leaders Fail

"In recent years, thousands of children started kindergarten in Cleveland public schools already poisoned by lead, which threatens their chances to achieve and poses steep challenges for the district charged with educating them."

Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer, 01/07/2019
February 1, 2019

DEADLINE: ICN’s Environmental Reporting Workshop for Midwest Journalists

InsideClimate News, the Pulitzer Prize-winning national nonprofit newsroom, will hold a free, two-day training for about ~12 winning applicants from March 7-8, 2019 in Nashville, Tennessee. The workshop will be focused on business journalism and center on covering the clean-energy economy in the Midwest. Deadline is Feb 1.

Topics on the Beat: 

A Trump County Confronts the Administration Amid a Rash of Child Cancers

"The children fell ill, one by one, with cancers that few families in this suburban Indianapolis community had ever heard of. An avid swimmer struck down by glioblastoma, which grew a tumor in her brain. Four children with Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare bone cancer. Fifteen children with acute lymphocytic leukemia, including three cases diagnosed in the past year."

Source: NY Times, 01/03/2019

Oversight on EPA FOIA Screening,  Covering Pipeline Protests, Feedlot Air Emissions, Data on Illegal Fishing

The new year will likely mean subpoenas on EPA’s FOIA response policies, as a Democrat takes the chair in the House Oversight Committee amid charges the agency is choking off politically sensitive record requests. And are new laws in a dozen states making coverage of pipeline protests a felony? That, plus air emission exemptions for animal feedlot operators and data on illegal fishing. All in the latest issue of the WatchDog.

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Detroit School Leader’s Reaction To Lead In Water: Shut Off The Taps

"The results landed on Nikolai Vitti’s desk on a late summer afternoon, days before Detroit’s nearly 50,000 public school students would return to class. The findings were definitive and disturbing: In initial tests, two-thirds of schools showed alarming levels of lead in the water."

Source: Washington Post, 12/20/2018

"Wetlands, Lakes Would Lose Protections Under Michigan Bill"

"Michigan legislators were poised Tuesday to remove legal protections from many of the state’s wetlands and other inland waterways, which provide wildlife habitat and perform vital tasks such as preventing floods."

Source: AP, 12/19/2018

The Renewables Revolution — A Renewable Source of News for Year Ahead

The upward trends for renewable energy sources like wind and solar are a sure source of news for 2019, even if challenging political, economic and technical obstacles remain. This week’s TipSheet explains why, plus suggests stories to look for, notes the points of possible contention and offers a range of reporting resources to turn to.

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